The house in which the tragedy had occurred that had blighted my husband's life was, to my mind, the most interesting house on the habitable globe.
Our house stood within a few rods of the Chesa- peake Bay, whose broad bosom was ever white with sails from every quarter of the habitable globe.
Miss Patty and Miss Maria were coming home, after having trotted over most of the habitable globe.
No other portions of the habitable globe were deemed worthy of notice.
At this rate his works will soon fill the habitable globe; and surely he was armed for better conflicts than these succinct sketches and flying leaves of verse?
The most fertile districts of the habitable globe are now actually cultivated by men for animals, at a delay and waste of aliment absolutely incapable of calculation.
"See you to-morrer," said Bert, though he was destined, as a matter of fact, to see much of the habitable globe before he saw her again.
To collect, continues my author, all the strange events in which this Prince has played the part of Providence were to fill the habitable globe with books.
Robert Southey called Sintra "the most blessed spot in the habitable globe."
For, concerning the matter of attire, are not the fashions of Al-Kyris copied more or less badly in every quarter of the habitable globe?