Most recently he has been exploring how habits contribute to a constructivist understanding of social order in world politics.
The philosopher Aristotle said, "It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom."
However, his habit of unsettling opponents through physical intimidation contributed to a heavily tarnished disciplinary record.
Its predatory habits contribute to (mainly) arthropod biodiversity.
Your weight, health, and daily habits can contribute to chronic back pain, too.
(news article, Aug. 7): The habits of litterbugs contribute to the rat epidemic.
Pastoral habits must have greatly contributed to give the system of landholding its peculiar character.
These habits contributed to a serious weight gain for Crawford during the 1950s.
Plus, these unhealthy habits can only contribute to the weight gain you might experience at menopause.
The German habit of laying the mines around anti-tank and anti-vehicle mines contributed to the reputation.