"Our profession is entrenched in terms of doing hysterectomies," says Ernst Bartsich, MD, a gynecological surgeon at Weill-Cornell Medical Center in New York.
In 1889, a well-known gynecological surgeon named Mary Dixon Jones was tried for manslaughter resulting from what prosecutors said were botched and unnecessary operations.
But disarticulated torsos are not women (and gynecological surgeons are not simply strangers).
Dr. Feit was a gynecological surgeon in Russia until moving to the United States six and a half years ago.
But she unwittingly stepped into the national spotlight when she and her husband, a gynecological surgeon, moved to Eastern Virginia Medical School in 1978 and set out to open a clinic that would allow conception outside a mother's body.
In 1889 at the age of 31 he was hired to be the first professor of gynecology and obstetrics at Johns Hopkins University and gynecological surgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Her father is a gynecological surgeon in private practice in Bronxville.
José Aristodemo Pinotti (São Paulo City, December 20, 1934 - July 1, 2009) was a Brazilian physician, gynecological surgeon, university professor, scientific and educational leader and politician.
After his graduation, in 1945, Dr. Endrizzi became an assistant anesthesiologist, the head of the blood bank at a hospital in São Paulo, an obstetrician in its maternity ward, and a gynecological surgeon.
As a gynecological surgeon during my training in London, I became accustomed to the title 'mister.