Before gynecologic surgery.
This is in contrast with the writing of another female physician, Aspasia (physician), who covered gynecologic surgery including abortion.
Laparoscopy in abdominal and gynecologic surgery is one of the beneficiaries, allowing surgical robots to perform routine operations, like colecystectomies, or even hysterectomies.
The apparent reason for this is that, except for urogynecological indications and cancer, there is virtually no reason for abdominal gynecologic surgery in postmenopausal women.
Thrombosis of ovarian vein is associated with postpartum endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, diverticulitis, appendicitis, and gynecologic surgery.
The laparosopic procedure used in Mr. Quayle's case has been adapted over recent years from the techniques long used in gynecologic surgery.
Cutaneous endometriosis is characterized by the appearance of brownish papules at the umbilicus or in lower abdominal scars after gynecologic surgery in middle-aged women.
He introduced innovative techniques in gynecologic surgery.
That's because the condition affects mostly women and it often begins or worsens at puberty, during pregnancy, following gynecologic surgery, and around the time of menopause.
His father is a clinical professor of gynecologic surgery at the Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia.