The tight, guttural syllables that came from harsh, expectant men.
Her accent had been damned near perfect, her pronunciation of the guttural and hesitant syllables unassailable.
Many basses bark through their lines in a harsh, declamatory style, accenting each guttural Germanic syllable and stabbing home every low note.
"Call me Simeon," I growled, my voice a tangled hiss of barely understandable guttural syllables.
They weren't guttural and distinct syllables; they flowed together.
Ivainson Firelord slowly recovered awareness, to hurt and guttural syllables of speech.
It spoke with shadow in harsh, guttural syllables.
But to each other, suddenly, they would rattle off those harsh-sounding, guttural syllables that sound like no other language you've ever heard.
He threw back his head and uttered a short burst of guttural syllables, high-pitched, that made his throat pulse like an animal's.
Downspout spluttered a series of guttural syllables only pronounceable by someone with a mouth shaped like a pipe.