It was a dismal winter's night, very cold and gusty, with the wind whooping in the chimneys and blustering against the window- panes.
On sleeping, I continued in dreams the idea of a dark and gusty night.
He turned and went out into the gusty night.
Building lodges is men's work, though, so when all the lodges just "happened" to fall down one gusty night, Longbow and I suggested sod houses instead.
The howl funneled away into the gusty night and was not immediately renewed.
Yes, it was a gusty night, but surely she didn't get the bus to the British Film Institute?
It was a black, gusty night.
But Mrs. Ducrow, it was a gusty night.
The most recent meeting of the community liaison group, held a few weeks ago on a gusty night in the spicy air of the sewage plant, was three hours long.
Outside it was a chilled, gusty night that promised a chilled, frosty morning.