It was then that he was arrested and sent to state prison for a gunpoint robbery in Queens, during which he appears to have fired his weapon at the man he was robbing.
Mr. Perez, who was charged with two counts of murder, had been released on parole last summer after serving about four years for a gunpoint robbery in Greenwich Village.
On the run, Berkman was involved in the gunpoint robbery of a Connecticut supermarket that netted more than $20,000.
They tell of frequent threats and less-frequent beatings, of gunpoint robberies and of workers being stripped for their uniforms so the thieves can prey on the public by impersonating utility workers.
(One of the three, Richard Wood, was arrested and charged with participating in a gunpoint robbery last week on a subway train in Brooklyn.)
He came to I.S. 62 last fall, after six months in jail for the gunpoint robbery of $400 from a Chinese restaurant.
Rather, you state they "worked with methodical precision," "they worked quickly and efficiently"; these men were just doing "a professional job," and not committing a gunpoint robbery.
But Mr. Perez, who was on parole from a 1996 gunpoint robbery in Greenwich Village, told investigators that he was her boyfriend and denied any involvement in the murder.
His two daughters and a 14-year-old friend were raped and bound with electrical cord during the gunpoint robbery, and his apartment was ransacked for jewelry and other valuables.
The police in New Rochelle said they were investigating three recent gunpoint robberies just after closing at stationery stores where Lotto tickets are sold.