He was commissioned into the Royal Marines in 1935 and qualified as a naval gunnery instructor.
Fisher returned to Excellent in 1864 as a gunnery instructor, where he remained until 1869.
He received his wings and commission as a second lieutenant on January 9, 1942, and became a gunnery instructor.
From 1932 to 1934 he served as a gunnery instructor at the Naval Academy and continued his post graduate-work in law.
It was the gunnery instructor with the scarred face and the eyepatch.
Women now serve as pilots, artillery crew members, gunnery instructors and officers in charge of men.
Many pilots returning from overseas service were taught to become aerial gunnery instructors at Foster Field.
After contracting malaria, he was sent back to the United States in 1943 to undertake a promotional tour and become a gunnery instructor.
He rose through the enlisted ranks to sergeant, and spent most of 1916 as a gunnery instructor.
He served four years in the Navy as a gunnery instructor.