All the Democrats just rolled into Congress to vote for this gun-control bill.
But in every case, critics called the gun-control bill "feel good" legislation, a vote that would look good on campaign brochures in the fall.
The gun-control bill, even as it survived critical votes on amendments meant to gut it, remained vulnerable to the "feel-good" legislation charge.
Constituent service has also been a factor in lawmakers' opposition to gun-control bills.
This claim most likely stems from a proposed filibuster, which Ferguson declined on a gun-control bill in order to have pro-gun amendments put in place.
National Rifle Association contributions leap when the Democrats push a gun-control bill.
So House Republican leaders then tried to assemble a gun-control bill that conservatives could embrace.
Gov. Gray Davis, a Democrat, has not taken a position yet on whether he will sign the gun-control bill, a spokeswoman said.
He has appeared before several committees considering gun-control bills.
Day to pass a package of gun-control bills.