The gun stuttered the moment the marksmen on the traverse opened up in the direction of Smiler's voice.
Simple reflex action made him squeeze the trigger, two quick shots, before the submachine gun stuttered, four rounds drilling through his chest at skin-touch range.
It was some minutes before the guns stuttered into silence, and then the only sound was the groans and the weeping of the wounded.
The submachine gun, its first shell shattering the end of the guitar, stuttered and leapt in Petar's hands.
They were within 500 yards when the Russian guns stuttered and fell silent; their ammunition was used up.
The deflection angle wasn't right; he could feel it even before the guns stuttered.
The guns atop G Tower stuttered to a stop.
She threw herself backward just as the submachine gun stuttered.
The submachine gun stuttered, bullets ripping through the stained gunman's upper chest and shoulder, spinning him before he fell.
The gun stuttered again.