And while gun sellers spoke strongly against the bill, they also said it has had the unintended effect of providing advertising for the weapons.
You cannot fight a war on drugs unless until you're going to challenge the bankers and the gun sellers and those who grow them.
And he wants to force gun sellers to keep better records.
The country is one of the largest foreign markets for American gun sellers.
The last three were the gangster references given by the gun seller.
The answers are not forwarded to any Federal agency, and are required to be kept on file by the gun seller only.
The gun sellers, who would have had to go through a strict licensing procedure just two months ago, now peddle the arms openly.
"They can kill you, it means nothing for them," he said, referring to the gun sellers.
Iraqi law requires gun sellers to have a government permit.
The association argued that gun sellers needed to be protected from frivolous lawsuits.