Thus, the gum manufacturers have been looking for ways to make chewing gum that is biodegradable and digestible.
The next company to challenge Topps was Fleer, another gum manufacturer.
It is the third largest chewing gum manufacturer in the world.
And gum manufacturers are increasingly trying to put their signature flavor into mints.
Propolis is used by some chewing gum manufacturers to make propolis gum.
One of the best known chewing gum manufacturers worldwide is Wrigley.
In 1899, Adams merged with six other gum manufacturers and became the American Chicle Company.
Fleer was originally founded by Frank H. Fleer in 1849 as a gum manufacturer.
All this chewing is making gum manufacturers happy.
And there were our own patented Sialogogue Number Nine which no other chewing gum manufacturer is able to dilplicate.