The story follows trials and tribulations of a gullible, young woman, Nikki, who leaves her hometown to start life afresh in a big city.
Just a horny slimeball who deceived his family and gullible young women.
Mrs Cook (not her real name) does not appear a gullible or foolish woman.
After several successful hustles, the Kid comes across a beautiful, but gullible, woman intending to bet a lot of money.
You must think I'm a very gullible woman.
"The Swan" may well lead gullible women to conclude that a nose job and liposuction can transform them into beauty queens.
Certainly not for a wasteful spendthrift, who preyed upon a gullible old woman!
This was a naive, theatrical, and gullible young woman.
But at least now she could see how he charmed gullible women.
You're a smooth talker and I'm the most gullible woman in the world.