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It accomplished nothing but selling the gullible public into thinking their government was doing them a favor.
Some versions of the story include tickets for the spectacle being sold to a gullible public.
"The question is how gullible the public is."
He went to concerts chiefly to satisfy himself as to how badly things were done and how gullible the public was.
The two men, who dispensed "psychic" information over the telephone, were depicted as taking advantage of a gullible public.
We, the gullible public, through our addiction to television, which supplies 70 percent of the money, have made self-entertainment a business without limits.
Are these artists and dealers cynically exploiting a gullible public for their own gain?
Two separate accidents would be a little hard for even the gullible public to swallow!
Writing pretty words in an attempt to persuade a gullible public to spend their money.
A workable monetary system would include as basis both greedy bankers, power hungry politicians, and a gullible public.