Its official guidelines urge locals to "use their own methods of determining the views and preferences of their members in a manner that leads to a bottom-up rather than a top-down decision."
The guidelines urge that all Americans, starting at age 20, have their cholesterol levels tested as part of a general medical examination.
The guidelines also urged parents to smoke outside their homes and to ask guests not to smoke in the house.
The guidelines also urge parents to wash their hands frequently and monitor their health closely during and after their trip.
The third guideline urges a policy of self-determination, where the less-developed nations use leverage to keep the superpowers in check and assure their own financial sovereignty.
The guidelines urge that officials recognize the consequences for women who engage in political protest and activism when they come from societies in which they hold a "subordinate status."
The guidelines urged doctors to educate asthma patients in an effort to help them gain the motivation, skill and confidence to control the disease.
One guideline urges the company under investigation to persuade employees to talk to investigators.
With dietary guidelines urging you to eat more vegetables, you may be searching for culinary inspiration.
In the UK, current NICE guidelines urge research on the use of as a possible alternative to the more widely used Framingham risk score.