Those reservations impose guidelines under which the law was to be applied.
Under guidelines imposed by the military, the name and unit of the dead man cannot be made public until his family is notified.
But even if only a minority did so, it would be necessary to control them by imposing nationwide guidelines on local spending.
He also threatened to impose guidelines, unless they took voluntary action.
It helps to keep the prison population own, while still imposing strict guidelines that the person must follow.
"When someone imposes guidelines from outside, what happens is the doctors will find 1,000 ways to fight you and end up doing things the other way."
Still others question how authentic the Qur'an is and if it can impose moral guidelines.
It also imposes guidelines for state spending that would link its growth to the growth in the economy.
But, he wrote, the court should impose guidelines delineating how far governors should be able to go in the future.
The government of the Kazakhstan imposed stricter guidelines for handling the sulfur.