The discipline involves similar techniques and principles to data recovery, but with additional guidelines and practices designed to create a legal audit trail.
Earlier this year, the Transportation Department proposed a series of guidelines designed to prevent larger carriers from preying on smaller airlines.
Federal crimes committed today are subject to new guidelines designed to bring order to criminal sentences.
The Central Intelligence Agency needs to expand its network of agents, but to do so under guidelines designed to avoid past abuses.
The finding raises the possibility that the guidelines, designed to protect patients, may in some respects leave them more vulnerable.
If the commission agrees with the physician that harm has occurred, the patient will be compensated according to guidelines designed to ensure uniform compensation.
Country experts provide single report about the election campaign communication in different countries, eventually following guidelines designed by the editors.
The Justice Department recently issued rigorous new guidelines designed to prevent such abuses.
As I pointed out, we went on to bring forward a number of guidelines designed to improve the situation.
This disparity occurs in U.S. federal courts, despite guidelines designed to avoid differential sentencing.