On admission to the specialist hospital the patient should rapidly receive a CT scan of their head, to guide treatment.
Medically necessary CT scans, administered properly, can provide important health information to guide diagnosis and treatment.
Chemical analysis of a kidney stone shows the type of stone which can guide treatment and give information that may prevent more stones from forming.
The surgical technique is analogous to radial polydactyly, in which the level of duplication and anatomical components should guide operative treatment.
Additional genetic tests would guide treatment of breast and ovarian cancer.
Susceptibility testing should guide treatment in all infections in which the organism can be isolated for culture.
Finding the organism that is causing the infection can guide treatment.
The drug-susceptibility pattern from the isolate of the adult source case can guide treatment when an isolate is not available from the child.
After the 20th week of pregnancy, bilirubin measurements are accurate enough to guide further testing or treatment.
The results of amniocentesis may guide treatment for Rh sensitization.