By 1893, postal guides were referring to the town as Upper Marlboro and the name stuck, despite a proposed ballot to have it changed back in 1968.
We set off for a lower section of the Pit River, a place that our guides referred to portentously as the Pit.
The bureaucrats didn't have to live there, however, and the Russian guides who accompanied the visitors down from the hub referred to them simply as "towns. "
The editors point out that the guides to additional reading for each topic in the Syntopicon refer the interested reader to many more authors.
A good guide is indispensable, and many guides occasionally refer to a map.
Six stories up they exited onto a viewing area their guide quaintly referred to as Vulture's Row.
At the walled city of Avila, the tour coach made a scheduled stop for refreshments and what the guide delicately referred to as a 'comfort station'.
The guide referred to the cinema as "one of the last two smoking cinemas in London.
Yankovic was inspired to write the song after going on the ride with his family, during which the guide "offhandedly referred to his failed acting career".
This guide refers primarily to the annual return (form AR01) for companies.