This event marks the moment when the peasant movement became a guerilla army.
Sage Jamdagni forbids the ashram students from joining Parshuram's guerilla army.
Effinger underlined his intentions when he described his movement as "a guerilla army designed to fight the Republican and Democratic parties".
One such movement has a guerilla army of self-styled Helots.
It was an extraordinary form for the training of a guerilla army to take.
With these resources, the MPAJA was built up to become a substantial guerilla army with about 7,000 fighters.
The El Salvadoran army had branded the university as the intelligence behind the guerilla army.
Chanakya's original intentions were to train a guerilla army under Chandragupta's command.
In order to subdue those Boers who continued to fight, the British High Command attempted to cut the guerilla army off from its source of provisions.
Between December 1956 and 1959, Castro led a guerilla army against the forces of Batista from his base camp in the Sierra Maestra mountains.