Gehlen intervened and demanded full support to "Scherhorn" which he thought would ideally fit Otto Skorzeny's plan of guerilla action behind the front line.
And there's a bunch of loyalist barons fighting what amounts to a guerilla action, trying to bring Astaulf and Malingo down.
Due to the lack of armaments the column did not engage in open battles and moved forward mostly thanks to small guerilla actions.
PA escapees hid in the mountains or valley villages; many became irregulars in small-scale guerilla actions against the Japanese.
Furthermore the Sainnites have become cut off from their homeland and are subject to constant guerilla action from the Shaftali.
Philippine insurgency may also refer to various revolts, rebellions, revolutions, and guerilla actions fought in the Philippine Islands, including:
Any kind of guerilla action against Vatican II does not produce good fruits.
In essence it is a guerilla action, which carry a high factor of risk.
By this means we can fight a pro- longed guerilla action until we have worn down the en- emy's resistance.
In 1835 the tribes began a guerilla action, the Seminole Wars.