Boman's presence on the gubernatorial ticket was the topic of an article in the Detroit Free Press.
Beginning in 2006, a party's gubernatorial ticket could spend up to $7.5 million from a public fund for a primary and a general election race.
There was no precedent in Montana for a gubernatorial ticket where the candidates belonged to different parties.
Despite their eventual defeat in the 2010 Election, they were the first "bipartisan" gubernatorial ticket in Utah history.
The pair were the only challenging candidates to defeat an incumbent gubernatorial ticket in the 2006 election cycle.
Under a technicality in the state's fusion laws, fusion only applies to whole tickets, and not to individual people on a gubernatorial ticket.
He was the first African American to head a gubernatorial ticket in California.
She ran on the Democratic gubernatorial ticket with incumbent Tony Earl.
He was elected on a gubernatorial ticket with John Y. Brown.
At the time, candidates for statewide constitutional offices were often affiliated with gubernatorial tickets.