It guarantees workers 15 percent tips on food and beverages bought by people on bus tours.
The mayor calls the bill, which would be among the toughest in the nation, a public health measure intended to guarantee workers a smoke-free environment.
President Bush today vetoed a bill that would have guaranteed workers unpaid time off for births, adoptions or medical emergencies of family members.
Congress gave President Clinton his first legislative victory tonight, passing the family-leave bill to guarantee workers up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for medical emergencies.
If the group makes progress in several states, its leaders say they plan to begin pushing state legislatures to guarantee workers three weeks of paid vacation each year.
In this spirit, the proliferating 401(K) savings plans are gradually replacing corporate pension systems that obligated companies to guarantee workers a certain level of retirement income.
Bush vetoed the family-leave bill, which would have guaranteed workers unpaid time off for births, adoptions or medical emergencies of family members.
The unusual agreement, which came after weeks of negotiations, would guarantee workers the right to organize, ban child labor and prohibit forced labor in trading-partner countries.
Mrs. Schroeder, a sponsor of legislation that would guarantee American workers unpaid parental leave, is not the only member of Congress upset about the Bernott case.
The problem with this approach, feminists and other liberals say, is that it would require changing a law that guarantees unskilled workers extra pay for overtime work.