Warwick guarantees accommodation for all first-year undergraduate students, regardless of their present address.
Finishing above the designated position in these three races will guarantee a place in the field for the Derby regardless of prize money.
In 2005, the parliament approved Law on Higher education, which guarantee equal rights regardless of sexual orientation (among other categories).
The policy would be aimed at guaranteeing access to education, employment, land, housing, and community participation to all citizens, regardless of race.
Starfleet policy guarantees no specific assignment to anyone, regardless of Academy class rank.
"Are we really prepared to live in a society that guarantees equal opportunities regardless of race?"
She wanted to add the language that guaranteed equitable distribution of funding regardless of race.
A player is a strong dictator if he can guarantee any outcome regardless of the other players.
He also persuaded about 100 investment bankers to tear up employment contracts that guaranteed them large pay packages regardless of the company's profitability.
We have six accommodations, and when we take a reservation we guarantee a specific room regardless of arrival time.