Somewhere nearby, concealed in the trees, someone is grunting heavily, doing some kind of hard physical labor.
He slammed into the corner of the desk, grunted heavily, then threw himself headlong into the hallway.
Joji grunted heavily as the back of his head struck the rough wood of the hallway floor.
Jake took a deep breath and Mikio extended a hand, grunted heavily.
The shape grunted heavily, the boot came mercifully away and the shape retreated.
Beech, a soft-featured man with a noticeable paunch, grunted heavily.
He grunted heavily as the blade made contact because Kisan was already twisting away.
The sarakin, whose name was Fujikima, grunted heavily.
Grunting heavily, Erian twisted himself into a sitting position and looked around.
He grunted heavily on impact.