Grumbling aloud, the fat old squirrel trundled off to the kitchens for her ingredients.
Grumble aloud and you couldn't know what Peerssa might pick up and take as an order.
The thought brought him up short and he grumbled aloud, "Why not now?"
No point in trying a radar scan, the Brig grumbled aloud.
Jerked awake, the attendant rubbed his eyes and grumbled aloud to himself.
"I've got to fight my way to somebody with influence" Stiles grumbled aloud, gazing at the scratched brown wall of the small quarters.
When he set it down he grumbled aloud to himself.
For the first time since the shootings, community leaders say, some of the displeased are beginning to grumble aloud.
The frightened middle class stayed home and stopped grumbling aloud.
A hell of a day, he grumbled aloud, but his tone was deceptive.