More disturbingly, the old lighthouse brought about a change in lighthouse policy in 1801 after a gruesome episode.
One of them was the Bug Pit, a way station of history where a particularly gruesome episode in the vast geopolitical struggle known as the Great Game was played out.
It was a gruesome episode, five men massacred in the Tsim Sha Tsui with the killer leaving his calling card.
Noteworthy for several exceptionally gruesome episodes, it was an international bestseller, and has so far been translated into 23 languages.
The local people soon gave the whole gruesome episode the name of the 'Douglas Larder.'
Although visually ebullient, the results sometimes referred to gruesome episodes from Greek mythology or the lives and deaths of martyred saints.
An unspecified crew member asserted, "this is awful even for us", commenting that it was probably the most gruesome episode of the series run.
Simeon of Beth Arsham's Second letter preserves yet another memorably gruesome episode.
It seems that Vallanzasca, in reality, was distanced from the gruesome episode, because there were others involved, as also they attest to the confessions of those days and dynamics of the revolt.
And no university has suffered a more gruesome football-related episode than the ongoing Jerry Sandusky child molestation scandal.