"It's really difficult to be put through it," C. Boyden Gray III, a former White House counsel, said of the practice sessions that insiders call "murder boards" because of their grueling demands on a judicial nominee.
And if you can, if you want to, raise a family at the same time - despite the grueling demands of the job that have prevented others.
Between the grueling demands of the Service and the obligatory social demands of the Imperial Court, she was almost never able to enjoy her suite.
They are citing family considerations, the grueling demands of fund-raising, campaign mudslinging and a sense that Washington has lost its allure, that the real action is in the states.
The new "Hadji" makes its own grueling demands on a soloist, and Lynn Aaron spirals into the choreography's constant twists and convolutions splendidly.
She and Harper had survived the grueling demands of a surgeon's career even as Harper's fellow residents divorced in a giant tidal wave.
Before leaving Chicago, he and his wife, Michelle Obama, convened a meeting in which advisers ran through a campaign simulation - complete with mock travel schedules - to convey the grueling demands of a presidential race.
In the first televised debate, Mondale performed unexpectedly well, questioning Reagan's age and capacity to endure the grueling demands of the presidency (Reagan was the oldest person to serve as president-73 at the time-while Mondale was 56).
The grueling demands of the Manticoran war against the People's Republic of Haven had distracted the RMN from its traditional role as the policeman of Silesia, though.
Strong abs or not, it can be tough to manage the grueling demands of ballet and motherhood.