The growth of individualism has weakened the economic relationships between the generations to a far greater extent than that between the sexes within the family.
"It indicates that spending growth will weaken."
After a fourth-quarter "speed bump," in which economic output increased at a 1.1 percent annual rate, investors have worried that growth is weakening, he said.
By the 1930s, the growth of the urban economy and flight of farmers to the cities gradually weakened the hold of the landlords.
A. Europe is in fundamentally good shape, but growth is weakening and there are downside risks.
Q. Some people think that growth is weakening enough to force the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates.
Heavy capital outflows, low investment levels and poor economic growth in turn weaken the commitment to necessary policy reforms in the developing countries.
But as economic growth weakened, the policy makers began nudging short-term rates down, starting in June 1989.
The growth of point-of-service plans where enrollees have greater choice of doctors may further weaken managed care's ability to control costs.
When growth weakened in 1989, it also led the sector's decline.