"Our business for the last 10 years has been on a growth trajectory," he said, and he added that he was certain that would continue.
George Riggs, publisher of The Mercury News, said that whoever bought the paper would get a property on a growth trajectory.
To illustrate, take the very different growth trajectories of East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa over the past generation.
Mr. Herrel rejuvenated the company's operations and product line, getting it back on a growth trajectory.
Do these programs place Ohio's high-tech industries on a path consistent with successful cluster development and move Ohio toward a higher growth trajectory?
The study indicated that Massospondylus grew along a specific growth trajectory with little variation in the growth rate and ultimate size of an individual.
Does the stock's weakness, coupled with the company's growth trajectory, make K2 a takeover candidate?
You need an escape growth rate to get onto the billion-dollar growth trajectory.
Gartner's predictions are based on Android's current growth trajectory, which has been explosive as of late.
Still, Sinha is widely credited for pushing through several major reform measures that put the Indian economy on a firm growth trajectory.