Studies have suggested electromagnetic radiation as a therapeutic growth stimulant in alopecia.
The growth stimulants are widely used by American ranchers but are considered potential health hazards by some European consumers.
Triacontanol is a growth stimulant for many plants, most notably roses, in which it rapidly increases the number of basal breaks.
Use as an agricultural growth stimulant is generating resistant forms.
Antibiotics are routinely added to grain feed as a growth stimulant.
"During the 1950's, the fear of Russia probably was the biggest single growth stimulant here."
They are also growth stimulants, prompting the axons to elongate as they migrate.
Inappropriate use of antibiotics, as animal growth stimulants, both makes the local economy dependent on outside drug manufacturers, and also can increase bacterial resistance to treatment.
If they are used as growth stimulants, then they are clearly present in our food.
Some vets think that the use of antibiotics as a growth stimulant must be unconditionally prohibited.