The stronger growth of the last two years has not changed this trend.
The growth of the last 15 years has distorted the museum's energy and its budget.
A lot of the reported growth of the last 20 or 30 years has come from Americans working longer and harder rather than smarter.
The growth of the past 10-15 years has mostly been due to inward migration.
We can't even handle the growth of the last 10 years.
In addition, the Republicans are running on the economic growth of the past eight years.
New markets are critical if today's computer companies are to continue their heady growth of the last few years.
The results continued the company's steady growth of the last five years.
If it was to continue, the robust economic growth of the last two years would undoubtedly disappear.
The economic growth of the last twenty years," he wrote, "has been very fast.