Why would anyone want to work with the grown-up version of the petty, cruel and spiteful girl who tormented her in middle school?
I think this is the grown-up version of a flirtation.
This adaptation for youngsters may well have more consistent spring to it than the grown-up version does.
We soon discover that George is really a grown-up version of his son.
Today's grown-up version of the old children's game might be called Hide and Wink.
Just add a slug of gin or vodka for a grown-up version.
Like other micro greens, baby cilantro is much subtler than the grown-up version.
Give out "take-homes," a grown-up version of children's party bags.
And that seems to be what we are looking for in our food today: a grown-up version of what we loved as children.
The big chowder clams, which must be steamed and chopped, are the grown-up version.