Has it grown too large and unwieldy over the last 30 years?
They like to keep power in the family, even as the family name has grown unwieldy.
There was much he must say, yet speech eluded a tongue that grew more unwieldy by the moment.
But he suggested that the company had grown unwieldy.
Mega-City One had grown too large and unwieldy, and they planned to cut it down to size.
Finally, perhaps heretically, it's worth asking whether the system has grown too large and unwieldy.
And some critics contend that the pair allowed the fund to grow too large and unwieldy.
Mr. Riccio said yesterday that the idea made sense because the department had grown unwieldy since its inception two decades ago.
But the task force soon grew unwieldy, with three dozen members from across the Government.
As a result, so-called personal networks can grow unwieldy; at one point, there were 60,000 people in Ms. Doyle's network.