The village grew into a 40-year period from 2000 to just over 5000 inhabitants.
After being reduced 1920-1940 the population grew 1970 up to 20 577 inhabitants.
From this point in time on to 1870 the village grew to over 300 inhabitants.
By the 17th century, the community had grown to more than 1,000 inhabitants.
By that days, the camp had grow to more than 20,000 inhabitants.
Two centuries later, the population grew to about 1,000 inhabitants.
By 1976, the population had grown slightly to 5,147 inhabitants.
By 1845, it had grown to 760 inhabitants and 129 houses.
In 1995 the population grew to 24,289 inhabitants, which represents 7.36% of total department.
The population had further grown by 1938 to 2,687 inhabitants.