From 48 stores in 1990, the number of Friedman's retail outlets grew more than threefold in the next several years.
Revenue grew more than threefold to $:14.6 million, and the number of registered users grew to 2 million, compared with 1.4 million a year ago.
Recent years have seen it grow more than threefold in size.
During the decade, the population of the county grew threefold, and Columbus became the trade center for an eight-county area.
Propellernet, which employs 30 staff, plans to grow threefold within five years.
Between 1880 and 1920 Austin's population grew threefold to 34,876, but the city slipped from fourth largest in the state to tenth largest.
And earnings also grew threefold, to $142 million in 1992.
During the last quarter of the 19th century, Greater Budapest's population grew almost threefold to nearly a million.
But Slim-Fast escaped most of the criticism, and its sales grew threefold between 1988 and 1990 with a $100 million advertising campaign.
There have been serious difficulties in drafting the budget, where one main area grows threefold while other areas suffer.