I said the child grew strangely in stature and intelligence.
Her voice grew strangely tense: "Jeel, a newspaper reporter!"
Some grew strangely, until their kidneys or livers or hearts or intestines would no longer work because of their shape.
Rather, the two men were obviously comrades at certain moments, only to grow strangely ill at ease a few moments later.
Wood splintered, and Sally felt her nipples grow strangely, pleasantly hard.
In numbers that would make human space look empty, the plants would be withering or growing strangely.
His friend, who had seemed quite excited only a few moments ago, now grew strangely still, as though he had left his sim entirely.
So they went into Death's great greenhouse, where flowers and trees grew strangely into one another.
She was laughing when she spoke, and for a moment her eyes grew strangely tender, but they brightened immediately and she tossed her head.
His face and arms would have been naturally pale, but they were tanned, and his curly hair grew strangely, in an entangled mixture of red and black.