The air grew more stale and hard to breathe.
In it, he ventures to explain why we allow our love lives to grow stale and dull.
Hope waned as their air supply grew stale and sluggish.
With each painful bit of ground gained, the air in the tunnel grew more and more stale.
These changes are often reactions against the prior cultural form, which typically has grown stale and repetitive.
As his ideas grew familiar and then stale, he found no way to complicate them, develop them, or move on to something else.
The term is also used for a piece of music in the repertoire that has grown stale or hackneyed with too much repetition.
The ground sloped ever down and the air grew thick and stale.
The risk is the possibility that the chemistry can grow stale, or worse.
The next time we see the couple, it's four decades later, and their love has grown sour and stale.