Upon the slopes of these mounds a fall grass grew sparsely.
There was indeed a patch of ground where the grass grew sparsely and it really did look desolate enough to confirm one's belief in the story.
It was a kind of spreading woodland on a flat bottom, where trees of no great size grew sparsely.
On the uplands the trees grow sparsely, raked by the wind, already in early autumn half scoured of leaves.
Even where it grew sparsely, it had been trampled down.
Where the trees grow sparsely, sunshine penetrates more effectively, inducing the growth of creepers and bushes.
Low brush grew sparsely on the ridges, with brown rocks showing in between.
Behind it, in a cavelike niche in the cliff, dry wiry grass grew sparsely, and there they tethered the weary horses.
Behind it, in a cavelike niche in the cliff, dry wiry grass grew sparsely.
Dahurian larch grows sparsely, separate trees grow up to 5 - 7 metres tall.