She should not be allowed to grow old and sour like poor Augusta.
My head," she put her hand to her temple, "will grow sour and stale.
Now, hearing Florence's plans to visit the family that had the bailiffs coming, I grew sour.
The years would pass like weeks, and loves would pass too, or else grow sour.
As soon as a new relationship or job came along, it began to grow sour.
In the third year, though, Mowfik grew sour.
The next time we see the couple, it's four decades later, and their love has grown sour and stale.
Most of those who come at present want something to take away bad dreams, and they grow sour when I have nothing to give them.
Fennel's face grew twisted and sour; the poison was near the surface.
Simon's face had grown sour again, and he turned back to his piloting, cutting on the top power of the rockets.