The bumps occur when beard hairs grow sideways and tunnel into the skin.
What few trees they saw were stunted, grotesque things growing sideways out of cracks and fissures.
In the first three or four years, try to keep the bush growing upright by pruning out branches that are growing sideways.
In nature, the staghorn grows sideways, with its feet attached to a piece of bark.
Most of it is too steep for trees; they would have to grow sideways if they grew at all.
The trees seemed to be growing sideways or even upside down, and there were blobs of water floating haphazardly.
The stems are probably growing sideways instead of straight up, but don't worry about that.
He'd landed on his back in the crook of a tree growing sideways from the slope.
Some grasses have additional stems that grow sideways, either below ground or just above it.
Over the next three-four years, the tree needs good care, with regular pruning so that it grows sideways, equally all around.