Sweden received its freedom of trade in 1864 and the city's trade exploded and grew sevenfold from the early 1870s till 1910.
Operating income grew more than sevenfold, to 205.4 billion yen, or $1.83 billion.
Between 1960 and 1970, however, total assets grew sevenfold.
The city's population grew more than sevenfold from 1869 to 1895.
Mr. Summers tells us that over the last 100 years the American economy grew sevenfold.
Under Posvar, Pitt's operating budget grew sevenfold to $630 million and its endowment tripled to $257 million.
Most of its explosive growth has come in the last five years, a period when its sales grew sevenfold.
The city's corporate area, which between 1891 and 1940 had about doubled to 30.85 square miles, grew more than sevenfold to 225.40 square miles by 1990.
The fund grew nearly sevenfold, to $124 million - largely through increased giving, but also because of strong performance, Mr. Weill said.
Stiglitz acknowledges that private capital flows to the developing world grew sevenfold in seven years during the 90's, while foreign aid stagnated.