This young lady has worked with me many times'-yet I've grown so senile I can't place the occasions.
But my uncle grows unfortunately senile, and banished his own heir.
Fenoglio, the author, gives up writing at the beginning of the book and grows increasingly drunken and senile.
The gods, said Scaler, were all so old that they had grown senile.
Gunther, now 77, has grown senile and doesn't really remember where either Charlie or the money went.
They are not growing old or senile.
"Ye gods, he's growing more senile every day!"
God, it seems, has grown old and senile, and only the angels, rising up in open revolt, offer any hope of reversing the deterioration.
They sounded like mountains crashing together, like old gods grown senile and vicious.
His holiness grows more senile every day, more feeble physically, too.