It grew clouded and opaque even as they stared.
The Coulalakritous wasted no time contracting back to their original proportions, growing opaque once more.
For a few seconds that area grew slightly less opaque, then coalesced to its original texture.
Her eyes, luminous as always, began to grow opaque.
The shape shivered, thickened, grew opaque - and took on a clear, defined form.
The fat man's eyes grew curiously opaque as he heaved himself up from the chair.
The entire show seems to slow and grow a little opaque throughout its last half-hour.
The road and the trees to either side were covered by a membrane of white that was growing more opaque by the second.
Over time, the lattice lines will grow opaque and involve more of the stroma.
The blue light grew even dimmer as the bricks grew opaque.