Then his form was no more, and the flames grew lower, nearer the ground.
The sound of the cavalry grew rapidly nearer and in a minute or two Shasta realized that they were at the crossroads.
Mars your ruling planet normally endows you with drive, but as Saturn grows nearer your energy level will decrease now how about that?
Like his guide, she grew nearer his height as she drew nigh him.
Thanks to us, the conquest of Tosev 3 shall grow nearer its completion.
The clouds grew rapidly darker nearer the heart of the city.
As they grew nearer it appeared that there were also weapons in the group.
That eventuality grew nearer last week, after his successor, Lamberto Dini, was also forced to resign.
Sharbaraz's own armored lancers assembled near their end of a bridge that grew ever nearer the west bank of the canal.
As it grew nearer the time to do the actual killing, the voice grew louder.