He called for a while, then rested, and then made the noises again, in no hurry, and not really caring, growing mellow from the grass.
Tyrion shared around his skin of wine until even Yoren grew mellow.
At this time, Mel had grown significantly more mellow and humane than the character Hedaya had originated.
Then the mood would grow mellow and the bum stories would come thick and fast.
His tones grew more mellow.
His voice grew mellow and his eyes looked into the future.
She was wondering if the anger was directed at her, when he grew mellow again.
I've just been lying here, letting my thoughts ripen and grow mellow.
As she grew older, she grew more mellow and now was actually looking forward to tending eggs and hatchlings.
The rutted footprints of the Red Bull were growing mellow with mallow.