It dies down to a corm in the winter, growing again at the end of spring and flowering in summer.
The plant is merely shedding old leaves to make room for the new ones that will grow in summer.
It grows in spring and summer at places where the altitude ranges from 900 to 1400 meters.
It is very widespread in temperate areas throughout the world, growing in summer and fall.
It grows on ground usually in late summer.
It grew up and out only over about a month each year, in early summer, like most evergreens.
Is it tough enough to grow outdoors in summer and, if so, will it get larger?
At the opposite extreme is the sizable number of men who want to grow their hair in summer.
"Nails grow faster in summer, some research indicates, while winter and a cold environment tend to slow nail growth," he added.
Can you imagine what would happen to a delicate alpine plant if it started to grow in late summer?