When financial markets are roiled, and investors grow hesitant, Wall Street inevitably cuts back.
Tomislav grew more hesitant than was his wont.
The manufacturers have been hit hardest, partly because consumers have grown far more hesitant about making big purchases like appliances, cars and personal computers.
But as days turned into weeks, she grew hesitant.
Bron seemed to note his irritation; her tone grew even more hesitant and apologetic.
The boy's face grew more hesitant.
For the first time the man's expression grew hesitant.
Then, El-Amin, who is so eager to answer questions about basketball that he doesn't wait for the end of a question, grows hesitant.
People on the street spoke freely with journalists, but invariably grew hesitant when conversations veered toward the political.
Having lost faith in their leadership class, many Americans grew suspicious of power politics and hesitant about projecting American might around the world.