The college has grown from 2,981 students in 1984 to more than 3,300.
Over the past ten years the college has grown from 150 students to 250 to 397.
In those early years, the school grew from 32 students to 330 students.
Enrollment has been growing, from more than 500 students the first year (2000) to 10,000, in November 2010.
The school grew from 35 to 300 students in this time.
Now that school is about 65 percent white, and it's grown from 240 to 540 students.
The university has grown from just 37 students in 1967 to over 2,000 currently each year.
During the period, enrollment grew from 200 students to around 1,500.
The school has grown from 30 students to over 190 in its first years of operation.
In five months the school grew from 31 students to almost 400, and discussions began about the possible construction of a new campus.