The business grew from 12 members in 1937 to over 100 by 1946.
Under his leadership the Association grew from 28,000 members to over 40,000.
The union grew gradually from 481 members at the end of 1849 to 5,300 in 1877.
The chamber grew in size from 30 to 38 members during the course of the decade.
They grew from four members to ten and larger for special projects.
Between 1969 and 1972, the church grew from 350 to 2,300 members.
The society has grown to 230 from 190 members a year ago, a spokesman said.
During this time the congregation grew from 44 to 4,000 members.
Since the building opened, the center has grown from 2,000 to 13,000 members.
The union had grown from 8,000 to 30,000 members in a year.